
foto25586-1Laundry detergents Sort - one of the most popular in the domestic market of household chemicals. Their choice allows you to carry out high-quality regular washing by hand and in the washing machine.

About washing powders and gels Sorts for automatic machines and hand washing, their composition, pros and cons, rules of use and customer reviews, read the article.

About the manufacturer

The manufacturer of Sorty laundry detergents is a Russian company from Kazan - Nefis Cosmetics. This company has been on the market of household chemicals for many years. The first laundry detergent under the SORTI trade name was launched in the late 90s of the last century.

foto25586-2Advantages of detergents:

  1. Affordable cost.
  2. Proven safety.
  3. There are universal tools, as well as separately for machine and manual processing.
  4. Free of phosphates and chlorine.
  5. A wide range of different flavors.
  6. Efficiency.


  1. There is no release form - capsules.
  2. No care products baby linen.
  3. There is no remedy for silks and wool.

During the existence of the brand, the list of products has expanded, the formulas of products and packaging have been improved. More and more buyers prefer SORTI products.

What's in the composition?

SORTI are synthetic detergents, the effectiveness of which is determined by the presence of surfactants and other components.

The gel contains:

  • APAV - up to 15%;
  • soap - up to 5%;
  • phosphonates;
  • Nonionic surfactants;
  • enzymes;
  • perfume, etc.
Depending on the specific application of the gel (for white, black or colored linen), manufacturers add special components to the composition that maintain the brightness of juicy shades, and make white linen snow-white.

The composition of powders also includes:

  • surfactants,
  • perfume,
  • soap,
  • phosphonates,
  • enzymes and other ingredients for a decent wash result.

Line of detergents

SORTI detergents are available in gel and powder form. They are intended for white and colored things.


The gel form of detergents is convenient for use and dispensing... It allows the liquid powder to dissolve better in water and is easier to rinse out of the fibers.

In terms of efficiency, liquid preparations are not inferior to powders, moreover, they do not generate dust, which prevents suspension from entering the respiratory tract and irritation.

The product range includes several varieties:

  1. foto25586-3For color and white 2 in 1.
  2. Black magic 2 in 1 - for black things.
  3. Color - for colored laundry, maintains the brightness of the shades.
  4. Aroma Magnolia - complete care and light aroma.
  5. Cotton Extract - no chemical bleaches.
  6. Flowering flax - stain removal and color retention.
  7. White shine - optical whitening and maintenance of snow-white fabrics.
  8. StainsNo - for white and light-colored clothes, with a reinforced complex for removing difficult stains.

Detergents in the form of a gel are concentrated and are used sparingly. They are suitable for machine and hand wash. Available in packages from 1.2 kg to 3 kg.


Dry detergents appeared on the market of goods before gels, and found their customers. Over the years, the model range has expanded, new names have been added, created according to more advanced formulas.

Powders are produced, depending on the specific variety, in packaging from 0.35 kg. Some species are presented in large packages - 6 kg, and Super Economy even in a package of 20 kg.

The list of products includes many names of detergents:

  1. foto25586-4Nature Soft Cotton Extract - to keep the laundry whitened and soft.
  2. Nature Soft Blooming Linen - restores bright pigments and gives clothes an unobtrusive scent.
  3. Aroma Magnolia is a powder with a flower scent of magnolia.
  4. Color is a highly effective powder for colored items that works even at low temperatures.
  5. Super economy - powder for daily processing of materials, which whitens, removes stains.
  6. Active Oxygen - maximally enhanced whitening of light colored garments.
  7. Intelletest - products with dietary supplements for removing old stains, protecting fibers from rapid wear and tear and the appearance of pills.

Selection rules

All Sorts products are designed for automatic or manual washing. Choosing a specific remedy, should be guided by the following points:

  • for washing bright clothes, it is better to choose a gel or powder marked with Color;
  • lovers of delicate floral scents will love Aroma Magnolia;
  • for black it is better to choose a separate tool in gel form - Black magic;
  • Cotton Extract will help maintain whiteness without chemical bleaches;
  • it is better to wash white clothes with powders and gels, which are focused on processing light-colored laundry;
  • StainsNo - it will come to the rescue with difficult stains, like Intelletest.
If both machine and hand wash are planned, it is advisable to purchase separate products for these purposes. Do not put products for hand washing into the machine, as they foam too much.

How to apply?

foto25586-5The procedure for using funds depends on the form of release and the type of processing of things... The concentrated gel can be used manually as follows:

  1. Collect 5 liters in a basin. warm water (30-50 ° C).
  2. Dilute from 40 to 60 grams of the product (the amount depends on the hardness of the water).

In the machine, the gel must be poured into the compartment, based on a load of 3-5 kg, for powder in such quantities (for color):

Hardness of waterThe amount of gel, taking into account the soiled things, g.

When using powder, it is recommended to add 215-269 g, taking into account the hardness of the water, for things that are not too dirty. If the clothes are dirty, then 215 grams are poured into the cheese cheese compartment, and 108-161 grams into the pre-wash compartment (taking into account the degree of hardness).

For manual processing, you will need ½ cup for soaking or washing in 10 liters of warm water.

Sorti allergy: what to do?

For Sorty detergents, as well as for any other household chemical product, possible allergic reaction... The synthetic components in the composition can cause irritation of the skin and respiratory tract, if a person is allergic, or if the funds are used incorrectly.

For example, to care for baby's clothes, or they are not rinsed enough when washing adult clothes.

If an allergic reaction occurs, the powder should be removed from the household.All items that have been washed with it must be rinsed again. If allergic manifestations are severe, symptomatic therapy may be needed.

Alternative options: TOP-3

In addition to Sort, consumers have other laundry detergents in good standing. They are distinguished by the effectiveness and quality of the ingredients.


The manufacturer of washing products under the trade name BiMAX - Nefis Cosmetics, which is the same as for Sorty products. In the list of preparations for washing - gels and powders.

The focus of the products is on high-quality removal of dirt, including difficult stains. At the same time, the list of products includes products for both white and colored linen. Buyers note that tough stains are not always subject to powder and may require pre-treatment.

The price of the product is higher than that of Sorti's products: powder in a 4.5 kg pack costs about 700 rubles, a gel pack of 6 liters - from 1000 rubles.



Persil - popular laundry detergents, manufacturer - "Henkel", Germany. The list of products contains gels, powders and capsules.

Packaging - from minimal to several kilograms. The product is not the cheapest, but it is of sufficient quality and raises few complaints. The Persil range of products is designed for high-quality washing of clothes in a machine and by hand. The preparations dissolve well and rinse out.

The price for a cardboard box of powder is up to 150 rubles, for a bottle of 1 liter of 300 ml gel - from 300 rubles.



ТМ Ariel is one of the world market leaders. Capsules, powders, and gels wash away dirt well and give the laundry a light aroma.

Product price: powder in 450 grams - from 120 rubles, gel - from 250 rubles.


Issue price

Laundry Detergents Sorts are a popular product that should be easy to purchase. It is widely represented in the trade network for retail purchase. It is also possible to order it on the Internet, with delivery.

The cost depends on the form of release and the amount of purchased funds... On average, the price of a gel is from 350 rubles. for 1.2 liters. A small pack of powder costs about 40 rubles, 3 kg - about 300 rubles.


Buyers of Laundry Sorts note that powders are affordable, handle dirt well and give things a light scent.

Some users even consider it a disadvantage that the aroma of the products is poorly expressed. The disadvantages also include that powders and gels do not always cope with difficult stains.


Laundry Detergent Grades in liquid and dry form are a good choice of detergent for daily and difficult washing. This will ensure high-quality elimination of dirt, and things will acquire a delicate pleasant aroma.

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